Wednesday 14 September 2011


Organic Farming is a method used in farming without the use of any chemicals or synthetics. Intent of organic farming is to produce crops which have the highest biological process values with least alter on nature. Crop rotation, green manure, use of natural fertilizers and natural pest control form the crux of organic farming. It is a proactive ecology social control strategy. This strategy enhances the fruitfulness of the soil, prevents soil geologic process and at the same time protects the man and animal kingdom from the side-effects of chemicals and synthetics. Many of the farm products like, vegetables, fruit, herbs, meat, milk, eggs, etc. are produced organically by some farmers.

Organic business can be defined as an agricultural activity followed mainly to keep the fertility of the soil and for pest control. It does not involve the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, genetically modified organisms or any kind of plant growth regulators in it. Products yielded through organic farming have been in great demand since the last decade. Organic farming proves to be more advantageous than the age old long-standing farming methods. It has been found that organic farming reduces the production cost by about 25-30%, as it does not involve the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which thus makes organic farming cost effective.
Soil is the most important component in farming and organic farming preserves soil by reaction soil erosion up to a large extent. The most important of the advantages of organic farming is that it maintains the life of the soil, not only for the current generation, but also for the future generations. Water decontamination is reduced with organic farming. Most of the times after it rains, the water from the fields, which contains chemicals, gets drained into the rivers. This pollutes the water bodies. In organic farming, since no chemicals or synthetics are used, water pollution reduces as well.

Organic farming has proven beneficial for many but the yield of organic farming has not been essential since its beginning. Many farmers have inverted to organic farming only on account of the subsidies given by the government to upgrade organic farming. There also have been instances wherein farmers have opted for organic farming on account of reduced product cost as compared to traditional farming. The life of organically grown plants is longer than the plants cultivated by traditional methods. Organically grown crop is more period of time tolerant. The chemical fertilizers cause the plant to ripen fast. When the crop does not get water it withers and dies, which is not the case with organic crops.  


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