Friday 16 September 2011

Barack Obama, NEA, Rick Perry

With states all over the nation promptly concluding the NEA’s freewheeling years of gorging on taxpayer funds, is the NEA expressing desperation by endorsing Barack Obama in advance of there’s actually an opposition selection for President?

The NEA desires to keep Eating your Funds

The NEA’s 3.2 million+ members are greedy -- for tax payer cash.

Federal, state and local government expending is at mind-numbing levels. The Federal government now borrows over 40 pennies for every single dollar it gets to spend. A number of states will be in perhaps even more difficult condition, with ratings organizations forecasting that various states might possibly go bankrupt soon.

If you’re a property owner, you currently know that the majority of your property taxes go to finance instructor and administrator pay, benefits and retirement life programs. And also the Federal government used in close proximity to $130-billion more of your hard earned cash on "education" in 2010.

But that’s not sufficient to the NEA.

The Federal government has stated to the NEA it will "fight" to keep this taxpayer-funded gravy train in motion, with escalating pay and benefits for NEA participants.
Our Kids Keep Getting Dumber

All of us presently fork out by far the most on education per youngster of all major nations around the world. And the Obama administration tells you it wants to "battle" so even more of your hard earned money can go to teachers, administrators as well as their snug pension programs.

Also in spite of all of America’s monumental spending on education over the past few decades at the local, state and Federal levels, our kids are not becoming any smarter. American youngsters rank well near to the lower part in all of the important subject areas and their effectiveness is getting worse yet.

For example, should you want your kids to get proficient in subject areas that could get them excellent work opportunities -- for instance science and math -- send them to Korea or Japan. Their young ones can mop the ground with ours within these career-critical subjects, despite the fact that those nations commit nearly half as much per student as the United States does.

Education fallacies regarding Rick Perry

If the National Education Association can promote Barack Obama before there’s even any competitors, would not it make more sense for those in the NEA to endorse Rick Perry even though he’s not really a candidate for the US presidency yet?

If he decides to become a candidate, he could actually have a chance of getting elected President in 2012 vs. Barack Obama who, at least nowadays, looks like a one-termer.

Might be the NEA believes that all the myths whirling all over Rick Perry and how he’s treated education as governor of Texas.

Such as, one popular myth implies that Rick Perry is mostly a school eating ogre who runs around firing teachers and throwing young people out on the street to care for themselves.

Like scores of fallacies regarding Rick Perry, as expected this one isn’t right.

Rick Perry firmly encourages school choice, meaning teachers and administrators are held responsible by the parents. You read that the right way. Rick Perry wants the actual individuals that pay the teachers and administrators to experience some say in how their kids are educated.

Maybe having their members held answerable for the education they supply for the kids doesn’t concur with the NEA’s mission, which during the last few decades is apparently all about getting a even larger share of our tax money in exchange for worsening results.

If that’s the case, guess we understand why the NEA chose not to promote Rick Perry!

Are you apprehensive about what's happening to this nation?

It really is a fine occasion to get prepared to improve the mess we're in come Novemer 2012.

See further myths about Rick Perry plus quickly learn how to defeat Barack Obama and his zombie army in 2012.


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