Thursday 13 October 2011

SoundTracking 2.0 For iOS 5 @ Replies The Artist When You Share A Song

Musical snippet sharing app SoundTracking joins eight other featured apps in the Apple App Store today, highlighting its deep iOS 5 Twitter integration alongside those of Instagram and Flipboard.

The new SoundTracking for iOS 5 has the usual suspects in terms of Twitter integration, letting users automatically log in and customize their SoundTracking tweets (like taking out the hashtag #soundtracking for example) using the new and nifty Tweet Sheet feature.

In addition to the basic Twitter for iOS stuff and a streamlined UI (and a "glossy wood soundtrack button"), SoundTracking 2.0 also lets you post songs to a Facebook fan page, which means that the multiple admins of something like a brand’s or an artist’s page can now soundtrack.

What’s more interesting than the new Facebook integration, auth and customization features however, is that SoundTracking 2.0 allows you to follow the artists you listen to on Twitter from within the app — giving you the option to follow @Beyonce for example, after you’ve soundtracked one of her songs. In addition, SoundTracking automatically @ mentions a given artist when a user tweets a soundtrack, if that artist is on Twitter that is.

This feature alone could mean a lot for SoundTracking’s scale, bringing the app, which just surpassed 750K downloads after seven months, into the awareness of musicians with massive Twitter followings like @ladyGaga and @KanyeWest. At the very least the automatic @ mentions are a simple but brilliant way to facilitate a connection between fans and artists.

Schematic Labs co-founder Steve Jang tells me that these deeper integrations are fitting because SoundTracking users can’t seem to get enough of Twitter (the app is currently the most tweeted about musical service, he says).

Jang plans on further expanding SoundTracking’s social features and is looking into other APIs which is exciting — I would love it if Spotify users could listen to an entire song in-app or add songs from SoundTracking to Spotify for further listening down the line.

Sunday 18 September 2011

International Space Station

A top Russian space official says his agency plans to sink the mammoth International Space Station in 2020.
Deputy head of Russia's federal space agency Roscosmos Vitaly Davydov said Wednesday that the
station "cannot be left in orbit" after it stops operation.

He said in a web-posted statement that the station will have to be de-orbited in a "planned crash so that there is no space junk left behind."

The colossal station is the biggest orbiting outpost ever built and can sometimes be seen from the Earth with the naked eye. It now consists of more than a dozen modules built by the U.S., Russia, Canada, Japan and the European Space Agency.

Russia sank its Mir space station in the Pacific in 1998 after five years in operation.
It's a plan that's long been in the works and is a step to avoid the station becoming dangerous space junk. It was supposed to plunge into the ocean as early as 2015. The U.S. recently extended its life until at least 2020, and there's been talk of keeping it going even longer.
Vitaly Davydov, deputy head of the Russian space agency, said the orbiting outpost will be destroyed in a controlled descent to Earth "so that there is no space junk left behind."

Russia sank its Mir space station in the Pacific in 2001 after 15 years in operation. Skylab, America's first space station, fell from orbit in 1979 after six years in space.

The International Space Station is the biggest orbiting outpost ever built and can sometimes be seen from the Earth with the naked eye. It's now big enough for six residents.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Small business funding helps in long term survival of your business

As a business owner, you don't have any time to waste. You want the right borrowing solutions to help run, develop and/or grow your business. If you’re finally ready to actually make your dream a reality the first hurdle to overcome is business funding.

Whether large or small no business gets up and running without incurring some costs. Fortunately there are options available. The hardest question to answer is what kind of capital should you seek? Often we are not aware of options available to us or don't have the time to explore what is possible. It turns out there are a vast menu of choices each with their plus and minuses.

The biggest mistake that most small business people make is underestimating how much it will cost. The rule of thumb is that you will need twice the money you think you will. Before you start the process of securing small business funding you will need to determine exactly how much money you’ll need and then double that amount.

If cash flow is your primary financial challenge, there are various ways you can make financial arrangements by forming strategic partnerships in which your business partners with one or more closely allied companies, bringing valuable industry expertise, resources, and/or bargaining power to through the alliance.

Many people looking to start a small business that are unsuccessful in gaining a loan from a bank or other financial institution turn to their family and friends. If you know someone who has money to invest, and you are able to present them with a repayment plan for your new business, you may be able to gain the money you need for your new business this way. However, you need to treat this as a loan in the same way you would a loan from a bank.  

Private financial companies offer a variety of borrowing solutions to meet your business needs so you can achieve the goals that matter to you. Loans on the basis of unsecured business credit line can eventually be good option in such circumstances. This is a type of fund when a company gives you a certain credit limit that you can draw from whenever your business is in need of capital.

To start out, you and the lender will agree upon a maximum amount based on several factors such as the credit worthiness and revenue of your company. Then you can just borrow any amount of money, whenever you need it, as long as you don’t exceed your limit. This prevents the risk of over borrowing since you only borrow what you need at the time.

Although the rates are generally high with this type of funding, there can be many great benefits in having capital at your disposal such as with a commercial line of credit. As your line of credit, it provides the cash reserve needed to optimize your day-to-day operations. It allows you to take advantage of time-sensitive business opportunities.

Whatever be your choice for your business funding don't hurry the process even though it may seem urgent to get on with building your business. You are going to need to live with this decision for a long time to come. Take time to find the best long term solution that will and success of your company.

Looking for small business financing solutions? Then loans on unsecured business credit line could be your answer for more information on easy attainment of such loans then visit us at

What makes any android game Awesome

The android app market is swelling with every variety of games right from light casual games to war games through to strategic board games and heart stopping racing games. If you too have chosen android to bring your game ideas to life, here are three must-haves for your android game.

Life-like characters modeling : Characters certainly give your game a distinct appeal. But mere sketching eye-catchy characters will not do the magic. Your hefty guardian to the secret treasures of the Cayman Island should walk and ‘behave’ like a real guard. He should have those tough face expressions and a sturdy walk. Cloth dynamics goes a great way to make the character look life-like. There are a handful of game development technologies on which you can build your game ideas on. For 3D games, character modeling becomes even more challenging and central to the success of the game.

Android is a great platform to build games on. However, while developing any mobile game especially for Android; the biggest bottleneck is to scale up and down the app for a variety of screen sizes. You need an expert in android game development who can do the coding right to bring the magic of your game concept to life.

Next-to-real game scenario : It is the game scenario that accentuates the overall look and feel of the game. Don’t leave the landscape designing and terrain optimization to the last moment. It plays a major role in bringing about the true appeal of your game idea. Paying attention to the details will surely pay you back in the form of awesome gaming experience and give you a competitive advantage over others in the app store.

Nifty game programming : Yes, a game got to have challenging levels to cross, but this does hold true for how speedily your game users learn to play the game. The game should have an intuitive user interface. If your game offers light entertainment, having an intuitive user interface will go a long way in making your game a commercial hit.

Android app store flashes games with high rankings on the initial pages. If the game users have to struggle to understand playing your game, it is highly likely that they give up on it and not rate your game good.

The Gig.U [Ultra High Speed Internet Project]

The Gig.U project aims to deliver ultra-high speed internet access to 29 universities and surrounding areas in the United States. Many of the universities are hoping that the enhanced access can increase economic growth and facilitate research and development in various communities.
How fast is ultra-high speed? The project looks to bring speeds up to 1Gbps to these areas. At speeds this fast, an entire high-definition movie could be downloaded in mere seconds. With this type of bandwidth, Gig.U has implications for other data intensive applications.

Not only will universities benefit from internet providers offering ultra-high speed internet, but energy, healthcare and telecommunications sectors may all benefit from increased speeds for research, collaboration and sending high resolution images. Currently, 29 universities have decided to participate in this project.

Universities such as Arizona State University, University of Kentucky, University of Chicago, University of Montana, Indiana University, University of New Mexico and West Virginia University are participating. The results of the project will be used to apply for capital and attract investors. The creators will also use the data gathered to design a better business model.

Universities are the breeding ground for young and sharp minds that are eager to learn new technology. Introducing this type of technology in a university environment will allow the leaders in research to test the network for its viability in the public and private sector. Many of the best companies have their roots from a university research lab or dorm room. University communities are often the building blocks for economic growth in America.
Though many universities also have ultra-high speed access on campus, many faculty and students do not have comparable networks when they need to accomplish tasks at home. This presents some logistical challenges for faculty trying to balance work and home life. Gig.U hopes to examine how to bridge the gap between the community and the university.

Experts are still researching the implications for Gig U’s high speed internet access in start-ups as well as other locations across the nation. Many argue that the services are redundant and overlap existing networks in more convenient areas. Because researchers still do not know the full extent of the effects of Gig.U, they continue to collaborate to determine how it can affect the workplace, community and university environments.

Medical diagnosing over the internet was one of the major developments made possible by increased bandwidth, and Gig.U hopes to build upon these efforts. Physicians even direct doctors during surgery via conferencing software with the highly reliable internet transfer.

Many students are also pleased to realize the implications of the Gig.U project in the gaming world and in other arenas as well. While the driving force behind the initiative is not to have students become expert gamers, stress relief brought out by smooth, interactive gameplay can be helpful. Gaming may also have rehabilitative notions in terms of improving hand-eye coordination and dexterity.
Students without ultra-high speed internet may find themselves at a disadvantage when compared with their fast-access counterparts. Slower connections mean added time for downloads, web browsing, file sharing, and academic research. Very realistically, assignments may take longer to finish, and fatigue may occur more frequently when the connection is slower and frustration levels rise. The quality of work could diminish as a result.

High speed internet is essential to the success of students and universities. Gig.U is gaining in popularity. With further progress, more universities will participate to improve the workplace and educational environment for more people. The more data points and fresh feedback that Gig.U obtains, the more beneficial the internet project will become for present and future generations.

Lead an Eco Friendly life

We have heard a lot of celebrities, politicians, and designers are promoting easy and stylish way to live life while protecting earth. To live eco friendly we need to recycle the products which we use. There are many ways we can live eco friendly and reduce using the non renewable source of energy like nasty fossil fuels. Little step towards going green would make a great difference to the world.

By recycling products we can keep environment clean and green. You can buy those products which are environment friendly. Use energy saving appliance which are specially designed to economize use of water and energy. There are even clothes and accessories made from the products which are friendly to nature. You can easily find on the label of the clothes that they are made from natural and recycled fibers. There are lots of eco friendly products which help keep your environment green.

You can also use solar power for helping nature go green. There are many devices and gadgets which use solar power like solar cooker, solar cells, solar watches, and solar patio umbrellas. There are eco friendly books which include education regarding global warming and help you in converting the entire world green or at least you local community. But if everyone is doing this in every community then it will be a worldwide journey. There are eco friendly products for your skin and body care which are healthy. There are products for cleaning, fitness, for home, garden, even purses that are eco friendly. There is the Apple Certified Solar IPhone and IPod Charger, which helps you in saving electricity. There is a Hybrid Solar Flash light, Cell Phone Charger, solar lantern, camera chargers, and so much more for all your needs and wants.

Wind turbines are considered the oldest and alternative source for producing energy. Wind turbines work all the time with the help of the air breeze. There are wind turbines available for 12 volts, 24 volts and 48 volts. When installed these turbines with help of wind they start spinning and they convert it into energy which can be of your use. These energy savers can be used with switches and fuses. Wind turbines are considered the best source of providing year round energy which can be used in your house products.

Portable Solar can be used with variety of devices. You never know what type of solar chargers to expect but you can expect that they are the best source to save energy and go green.

How To Reduce Carbon Footprint

In order to understand the full impact of global warming on the planet, we need to know what causes global warming. The main reason for global warming is the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is a gas that is emitted by most industries due to the burning of fossil fuels. Because of industrialization, there has been tremendous economic progress and growth, but the environment has had to suffer as a result. In relation to global warming the term carbon footprint has become very common.

Carbon footprint is the emission of greenhouse gases caused by any activity, industry, product or even a person. Each and every individual in the world has a carbon footprint and we owe it to the planet to do everything in our power to reduce it.

There are two kinds of carbon footprints- primary and secondary. Primary carbon footprint is when there is direct emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels. Secondary carbon footprint is due to consumerism and buying more things than we actually need. Most industries especially the mining industry and the iron and steel industry burn fossil fuels on a large scale and are responsible for a huge amount of carbon emissions.

You may have a liking for expensive, exotic fruits but do you know the carbon footprint you’re leaving behind. Fruits that are unavailable locally have to be shipped from across the world. In this process, fuel is burned and carbon dioxide is released into the air. When you consume such fruits and other food, it is counted as your individual carbon footprint. One way to reduce it is by eating and drinking local food and drinks. By eating local, you are not only helping the economy, you are also reducing carbon emissions and doing your bit for the environment. Traveling less is also a way to reduce your carbon footprint.

Carbon pricing is a method adopted by various countries to reduce the carbon emissions in the atmosphere and hence reduce the damage global warming has caused to the planet. It is basically a way to put a price on carbon through the issue of subsidies, carbon tax etc. by putting a price on carbon and therefore on carbon emissions governments and environmental organizations hope to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

At the same time, so as not to hamper the economic growth and industrialization, they are looking to draw the attention of industrialists towards alternate sources of energy and power like solar energy, windmill power etc. carbon pricing as a scheme needs a lot of careful thinking and planning before it is implemented.

Carbon footprints being left by humans are having a long term impact on the eco balance of our planet and it has become a burning issue today. Mankind needs to take immediate steps to curtail the deterioration it is causing to the green planet. Hence, be frugal in terms of energy, power and fuels and we just might redeem the world from the impact of global warming.